Tired, Hurting, Exhausted Black Woman

Tired, Hurting, Exhausted Black Woman

I know I'm not the only one TIRED, HURTING and EXHAUSTED. It's been about 19 days since the death of George Floyd. All over the world it shows that we are TIRED. The night before last an Atlanta police officer shot and killed a man at a Wendy's drive- thru. No I didn't watch the video. No I don't know the full the story. But I do want to know WHEN WILL IT STOP! WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO? 

As I read this article on CNN my heart literally felt like it was snatched out of my chest then stomped on over and over in slow motion. I'm sitting at my work desk fighting back tears as I type this. And to see all these companies post things about "standing with us" is unbelievable. I honestly feel like they are all of sudden "standing with us." It was like a domino effect, one company posted it then here come the others. They are so afraid to lose our business. African Americans buying power was $1.3 trillion in 2018! Imagine if we kept this money circulating among  each other. These companies would not be successful without us. 

I know it's more than money, it's more than protesting, it's so much more. But I can't seem to find the answer. Do we continue to pray and wait? Do we fight back in other ways? Do we continue to show up at the polls? What do we do? Maybe I should ask myself WHAT CAN I DO? All I know is in this very moment, I am TIRED, HURTING and EXHAUSTED. 


On a brighter note I love to highlight business that I strongly support. I support many others but these are in heavy rotation!


Here are a few of my favorite black owned business that I love and support:

1. The Alyssa Collection https://www.thealyssacollection.com/ 

2. The Seven Streams Club https://www.sevenstreamsclub.com/

3. Sugar Lips Wax Studio https://www.sugarlipsstudio.com/

4. Vanity Aesthetics Skin & Beauty https://vanityskinandbeauty.com/

5. Smooth Skillz https://smoothskills.com/

6. Pamper Me Pretty Hair care https://pampermeprettyhaircare.net/

7. Stationery Diva  https://www.stationerydivapaperstudio.com/

8. Grief Coach https://www.shantiacoleman.com/

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1 comment

I feel you 100%! I am emotionally and mentally drained looking at what’s happening in this world. It’s not something we can ignore! At any moment, it could be us: Sandra Bland, Breonna Taylor, Korryn Gaines & more!

It feels like we have been hunted and always will be until we start fighting back. I am TIRED.

As always, thank you for your continued support. I genuinely appreciate and love you!

The Alyssa Collection

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