First thing first, I'm not a nutritionist, dietician or a physician. Also I don't consider myself an expert (yet). I'm simply on a journey to better health and I love bringing those who are interested along for the ride.
However, there are some things in the works of me becoming more credible (coming soon!) and I'm increasing my knowledge daily.
During the last 15 years I've worked in the healthcare field. During my very humbling years in pharmacy I worked closely with licensed pharmacist, filling prescription orders, communicating with doctor offices, and insurance companies. I also worked hard for the title, Certified Lead Pharmacy Technician and Inventory Specialist. Those were the days...
Currently, I'm working for one of the world's largest healthcare organizations communicating with doctors, nurses, technicians and a host of others for optimal patient care.
As much as I love that we as Americans have access to many healthcare options, I feel we don't have enough knowledge on food and lifestyle choices. Most of us are taught to change our eating habits, the products we expose ourselves to, and exercising after we're diagnosed with chronic diseases. How many of us are to taught about preventative care?
I hear so many people talk about diseases/illnesses are primarily genetics. There may be some validity to this statement, however I believe our eating habits and active and nonactive lifestyles are generational.
Think about it. Most common conversations about lifestyles, values, money etc most conversations ends with, "that's just how I was raised." But I think most of us would agree that if we knew better we'd do a lot better.
If you've read my first cookbook, Mastering Motherhood, The Art of Cooking Healthy Meals as a Busy Mom you'll know that I started my lifestyle change with a 30 day water challenge. I made very small changes monthly and here I am! I suffered from annoying infections like uti's, common colds, frequent yeast infections, infertility, mild skin problems, and facial weight gain.
Here are a few things I did in the beginning:
-Swapped sugary drinks for water
-replaced mayo based salad dressings for vinegar based
-eliminated meats from my diet
-cut back on fast food and condiments (they are full of sugar)
There's so much to consider during a lifestyle change, what works for me may not work for you and vice versa. Blood type is highly important while you're considering a lifestyle change. I came across this phenomenal book on my journey, Eating Right 4 Your Type. Ironically, my lifestyle change is about 80% in alignment with what's recommended in this book. Following a diet based on your blood type allows you to digest food more efficiently, lose weight, prevent illnesses, and have more energy. Cortisol levels, food allergies, and genetics may be a factor.
If you have a primary care physician you can request testing. So don't be afraid to ask.
While different people need different things, we may agree that minimal stress healthy food, exercise and some good ol' vitamin D from the sun will help us all thrive!
I hope you find this blog post meaningful. Please comment and share.
Great blog post and CONGRATS on your new journey :)
Thanks y’all for reading and commenting!!
Love the blogs per usual I’m checking out that book as well.
Very informative, I love reading about your journey to a healthy lifestyle. And how you help others to make healthier food choices.
Very informative, love reading about your journey to a healthy lifestyle. Also helping others learn how to make better food choices.