I'm a strong believer in getting more than a pay check from my job. Why? The same way I put in work for them, I need them to do the same for me.
I see profit as gain in many areas other than money. As you all know I recently released my first healthy cookbook. Since I work for an organization that encourages healthy living (eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, exercising and taking care of mental health) I feel it's appropriate to share not only my book but my story with the organization.
I'm a member of several groups throughout the organization, I act as a compliance champion, I attend every networking event possible (my boss allow me to leave work to attend these events and I still get paid) talk about PROFIT! Most importantly I have mentors. Let me tell y'all something, there is power in connecting with the right people and keeping in touch. I recommend reading, How To Win Friends and Influence People By Dale Carnegie. This book will change your personal, professional and social life.
Because of my growing relationships I've been invited to share healthy eating tips and promote my cookbook, Mastering Motherhood: THE ART OF COOKING HEALTHY MEALS AS A BUSY MOM on a conference call. The Senior PR Specialist is working with me to share my story on the employee website, I've been communicating with the marketing department to have my recipes printed in the healthy living magazines. So let me tell you THERE ARE NO CEILINGS (in Beyonce's voice).
I'm dedicating this year to MYSELF. I'm getting out of my own way, replacing unhealthy relationships with authentic, meaningful personal and business relationships, using ALL of my resources to evolve!
I want to challenge you to find out what your job has to offer other than a pay check. Visit your human resources page, ask your boss or seasoned employees. It could be questions about retirement plans, health insurance, tuition assistance or reimbursement, growth in the company, ANYTHING. Just ask! Let me know how you're gonna challenge yourself in the comments.
Mrs. Gant, I am so proud of you. Working close to you with-in the last year I have learned a lot through conversation and been inspired on your motivation along. I can truly say you are the definition of a Team Motivator…Keep doing what you do I can see you Shinning…
The way you are moving is awesome continue to be such a great influence and show us we all can get to where we want to be❤